Natural Treatment Options for Seasonal Allergies

At Long Last – Spring!

It seems as though we’ve waited forever, but, finally, the trees and spring flowers are starting to bloom, the grass is beginning to grow, and the birds are singing happily in the morning. Spring has sprung! It’s time for rebirth, renewal, and…allergies.

The Great Outdoors

It’s time to spiff up our outdoor living areas so we can enjoy them fully during the coming months. Of course, as we work in our gardens and flower beds, clean up detritus that may have fallen from trees during the winter months, and seed and fertilize our lawns, we may be affected by pollens and allergens from the very areas we’re trying to beautify.

Seasonal Allergies

As we rake, weed, and hoe, pollens, spores, dust, and possibly even mold are produced from the previously dormant landscape. Most of us sneeze a time or two while we’re outside working in or enjoying the spring weather, but, for those who are highly sensitive, seasonal allergies can create a variety of unpleasant symptoms that are quite a nuisance. Some people experience:

  • Congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Eye discomfort (watering, itching, redness, swelling)
  • Even pink eye (conjunctivitis)

Allergy reactions occur because of an overreaction of the immune system. Seasonal allergy reactions occur in part because of inflammation in the nasal passages. Dust, mold, and pollens can cause this inflammation, which is known as allergic rhinitis. Pollens that commonly cause allergic reactions are grass, blooming trees, and some flora. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, and, in some cases, even become a trigger for asthma.

Treating Seasonal Allergies Naturally

We’re all pretty familiar with over-the-counter allergy relief products. If we want to go the traditional route, allergies can be treated with OTC products like tablets, syrups, or corticosteroid nasal sprays. Steroids may even be prescribed to treat a severe allergy reaction. While both OTC and traditional prescription medications can be helpful, many people prefer natural options that have fewer side effects.

There are many highly effective natural options for treating seasonal allergies and optimizing immune function so fewer symptoms are experienced, overall. These include:

  • Quercetin (a bioflavonoid that has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties)
  • Probiotics (which help achieve the proper balance of bacteria in the gut and create a healthier immune response)
  • Vitamin A (helps the immune system)
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin C
  • Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Stinging nettle (a natural antihistamine)
  • Spirulina
  • Butterbur (an herb)

Other tools for natural management of allergies naturally can include:

  • Changing your clothing after yard work
  • Showering after being outside
  • Doing a sinus rinse using distilled water and an appropriate sinus rinse product
  • Using a HEPA filter
  • Changing bedding often

How Vallee Health Repair Can Help

Vallee Health Repair in Quincy, IL can help you manage seasonal allergies naturally. We use a variety of therapies, including IV therapy, to help rebuild your immune system and optimize its function. We offer essential support for your immune system so you’re less likely to experience seasonal allergies as well as natural treatment options for any symptoms you might experience. Call (217) 577-2992 or email to feel as bright and exuberant as spring!

Disclaimer: The information contained here was not written by a medical doctor and is intended for informational purposes only. This is not a substitute for medical advice.