Functional Wellness
Lifestyle Specialist

Amy Junkerman

Functional Wellness Lifestyle Specialist

  • MS in Exercise Physiology
  • Certified Nutrition Coach
  • Certified Health Coach
  • Certified Exercise Physiologist
  • Personal 70 Pound Weight Loss and Maintenance for 19 years

Services are customized to your personal needs examples include:

  • Goal setting

  • Reading and understanding nutrition facts and ingredient labels

  • Macros (carbohydrates, fats, proteins)

  • Grocery shopping on a budget

  • Balancing calories with physical activity

  • Meal preparation and planning

  • Dining out & Healthy?

  • Navigating healthy choices while traveling

  • Managing the social pressures of eating at parties and gatherings

  • Overcoming barriers (time, unintentional sabotage from others, etc.)

  • Tackling food triggers (emotional eating, boredom, etc.)

  • Getting back on track after a setback

  • Recruiting support to succeed

  • Stress management

  • Time management

  • What is healthy composition of a meal and nutrient density?

  • Healthy substitutions (modifying some of your favorite recipes to make them healthier)

  • Mindful eating

  • The importance of sleep

  • Exercise tips/ personal training packages

  • And MORE!

*Specific IVs & injections only, see Functional Wellness Lifestyle Specialist for details

**3 month minimum is requested

AfterPay payment plans now available!