Functional Medicine Lifestyle Specialist

Amy Junkerman

Functional Wellness Lifestyle Specialist

  • Master's of Science in Exercise Physiology
  • Certified Nutrition Coach
  • Certified Health Coach
  • Certified Exercise Physiologist
  • Personal 70 Pound Weight Loss and Maintenance for 19 years

Services are customized to your personal needs examples include:

Goal Setting

Reading and understanding nutrition facts and ingredient labels

Macros (carbohydrates, fats, proteins)

Grocery shopping on a budget

Balancing calories with physical activity

Meal preparation and planning

Dining out & Healthy?

Managing the social pressures of eating at parties and gatherings

Navigating healthy choices while traveling

Managing the social pressures of eating at parties and gatherings

Overcoming barriers (time, unintentional sabotage from others, etc.)

Tackling food triggers (emotional eating, boredom, etc.)

Getting back on track after a setback

Recruiting support to succeed

Stress management

Time management

What is healthy composition of a meal and nutrient density?

Healthy substitutions (modifying some of your favorite recipes to make them healthier)

Mindful eating

The importance of sleep

Exercise tips/ personal training packages