Physical & Dot Exams

Physicals and DOT Exams in Quincy, IL

Driver Physical Exams

We provide DOT and CDL medical exams for Commercial Driver Licensing in the Quincy, IL area. Patient must bring prepared information such as CPAP compliance, letters from providers, lab results, etc. We are a Certified Medical Examiner of the National Registry of the FMCSA. If you are unsure what to bring, Please contact us!


A pre-employment physical exam assures companies that prospective employees are physically and mentally able to take on the responsibilities of a job. In general, the exam includes checking a candidate's vital signs, weight, temperature, pulse, and blood pressure. These exams are customized to the need of the employer. We currently do not offer drug screens but are looking to add this service. Please contact us if a drug screen is needed.


Sports physicals differ from "well child" exams provided by a pediatrician in that their focus is to "clear" the participant for a specific activity. Sports physicals consist of medical history, vital signs, eye exam, range of motion and physical exam. A recommendation follows if there should be any limitations on physical activity.
